It’s November, always a big and exciting month when ‘Thanksgiving’ is celebrated by millions of families around the world. We love seeing all the fun family and friends enjoy together during the celebration.
There are so many amazing activities available online for families and friends to play, learn and create together. We want to share a little thanksgiving fun for everyone to play and bond together during this special time.
It was hard to choose, but here are our top 5 activities that we have chosen from some very talented parents and teachers who share their early years learning through play ideas online. Head over to their websites to find out more!
1. Counting and Sorting the Turkey Feathers
We love maths activities, these fun turkey counting games are great for little hands to play and learn. With play doh and the print out this activity is brought to us from Katie, alittlepinchofperfect
Let’s count the turkey feather with this amazing activity Click here to download the template
2. Thanksgiving Bingo
Everyone loves, bingo, what fun playing with all the pictures from thanksgiving the food, to seasons and so much more.
This is brought you from Vanessa Levin. Use a linking cube or counter or crayon to play. To make it even more fun it is suggested. The first child to get one entire row covered shouts “Bingo!” OR they could shout “Gobble! Gobble!” for a Thanksgiving twist.
For the free printable click here to download

3. Stuff the Turkey
We love the sound of ‘stuff the turkey’ what great way to get the kids playing together of all ages. If you have smaller children put them in teams and work together.
All you need is brown paper bag (large and small) stapler, white paper for onions, brown paper for bread and green paper for celery.
To learn more head over to this great activity and photo brought to us by Melissa from kidfriendlythingstodo
4. Autumn Wreath
We love to include arts and crafts activities, what’ s more fun than making a thanksgiving wreath to decorate the house for the season.
If you have old wrapping paper, magazines, leaves or tissue papers and paper plates or cardboard. Learn more about this amazing activity and photo brought to us by Kristina from Toddler Approved

5. Racing Turkey Number Line
Race to the end with our Turkey all you need is a clothes peg, feathers, glue and colouring pens, pencils if you have googley eyes it a bonus and a dice.
It’s a race to the end, roll the dice and off you go, it’s the first turkey to the end of the line. Anyone can win its just luck of the roll.
To learn more head over to this amazing activity and photo brought to us by Danielle from funlearningforkids
With so many clever activity ideas from talented parents, teachers and caregivers. We would love to see your favorite thanksgiving activities. To share with our community, please tag us on social media – ‘Instagram/Facebook/Twitter @edxeducation’ or email us –
If you are looking for more information or ideas on fun learning activities, please sign up to our newsletter to keep in touch with our journey.