Enhancing Learning with Edx Education Fidget Cubes for All Abilities
In today's dynamic educational landscape, fostering an environment…

Enhancing Primary School Math Education with Edx Education Base Ten Blocks
Mathematics lays the foundation for a myriad of critical thinking…

5 Sensory Play Activities for Social and Emotional Development
Sensory play is a powerful tool that engages children's senses,…

Skills Children Need in Readiness for School
Foundations for School Readiness: Essential Skills for Young…

Exploring the Exciting World of STEAM Toys: Edx Education's My Gears® Shine on the Back-to-School Shopping List
The pursuit of knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering,…

The Power of Play: Embracing the Right to Play in Everyday Parenting
Did you know it was National Play day 2nd August in the UK. In…

Screen-Free Activities
Alternatives to devices during summer holidays
During the summer…