
Exploring the Exciting World of STEAM Toys: Edx Education's My Gears® Shine on the Back-to-School Shopping List
The pursuit of knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering,…

The Power of Play: Embracing the Right to Play in Everyday Parenting
Did you know it was National Play day 2nd August in the UK. In…

What Features in Educational Toys Should You Look For or Even Avoid
At Edx Education we love developing innovative educational resources…

Igniting the Spark - Stimulating Children's Imagination with Edx Education
In today's fast-paced digital world, fostering a child's imagination…

Embracing Montessori Principles at Home with Edx Education Toys
The Montessori approach to education has gained immense popularity…

The Sustainable Edge of Edx Education Toys: A Greener Path to Learning
In the era of environmental consciousness, sustainability has…

Support Emotional Wellness with Edx Education toys
Edx Education offers a wide range of educational toys, resources,…

The Power of Play-Based Learning: Unleashing the Potential of Children in the Early Years
At Edx Education we believe 'Play' is a fundamental aspect of…

The Benefits of Sensory Play for Children with Autism
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face an array of…

Early Adversity
Helping children who have experienced early adversity through…