Entries by edxseo

Support Emotional Wellness with Edx Education toys

Edx Education offers a wide range of educational toys, resources, experiences that can be used to support emotional wellness in children. Here are ten ways you can use Edx Education toys to support emotional well-being: 1. Emotion Recognition: Use emotion-themed toys like emotion dice or emotion masks to help children recognize and express different emotions. […]

The Power of Play-Based Learning: Unleashing the Potential of Children in the Early Years

At Edx Education we believe ‘Play’ is a fundamental aspect of childhood, and its benefits extend far beyond entertainment. In recent years, educators and researchers have recognized the immense value of play-based learning for children in the early years. This approach harnesses the natural inclination of children to explore, experiment, and imagine, creating a rich […]

Socially Conscious Gifts

The best eco-friendly gifts for kids In today’s age, children are constantly bombarded with messages from advertisers to purchase the latest trendy toy. Finding eco-friendly alternatives can be quite daunting, as a visit to any department store, toy shop or supermarket will reveal countless aisles and shelves filled with inexpensive plastic toys and packaging. But […]

Supporting creativity and imagination in the early years

Unleashing limitless potential through creativity and imagination in early childhood When children are imaginative and creative, they develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which are necessary for navigating different situations and making informed decisions throughout their lives. We know that supporting creativity and imagination in the early years can take on many forms, in […]

The importance of maths in the early years

Mathematics is a crucial part of early childhood development Early childhood is a time of incredible growth and development, and children are constantly learning about the world around them. Young children are natural explorers who are curious about their environment, and they need opportunities to investigate, experiment, and problem-solve in order to develop fully. Mathematics […]

Easter learning games

Let’s have a cracking time this Easter! Easter is a traditional holiday celebrated worldwide, with one of the most beloved aspects being the Easter bunny and a fun Easter egg hunt. As well as the traditional Easter activities, there are plenty of other Easter-themed games to enjoy. These games can range from simple and fun, […]

The Benefits of Sensory Play for Children with Autism

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face an array of challenges depending on their diagnosis, which can include difficulty communicating, interacting and learning. Sensory integration is one of the most important skills for those with autism to learn because it helps them to better understand their environment and become more aware of their emotions. We […]

Educational gifts for 5 year olds

Let’s turn children who love to play into children who love to learn As parents or caregivers, it is our responsibility to provide our children with the best education possible, both in and out of the classroom. We want to give them a strong foundation that will allow them to excel academically and in other […]

Learning outside the classroom

Why is LOTC so important? Learning outside the classroom (LOTC) refers to educational experiences that take place outside the traditional classroom setting, such as in parks, museums, nature reserves and at home. These visits can also help to inspire children and young people and encourage them to pursue their interests and passions. LOTC encompasses a […]