Educational Experts talking about Play

Edx Education has been designing and producing innovative educational products and materials for more than 25 years, and are passionate about the ‘learning through play’ movement.

This has long been recognized as a highly successful method of teaching in early years education both in the classroom and at home: it is fun and engaging, also a tactile and visual form of learning which aids concentration, helps develop fine motor skills and supports early mathematical understanding, such as counting and sorting techniques.

However we have been going behind the scenes and chatting with Education Experts from around the world to share their research and advice on why Play based Learning is important for children.

So excited to share ‘Learning Through Play Series – 1;


Dr Cindy Hovington – School readiness means being able to build relationships with peers and teachers to follow instructions and regulate emotions and behavior. Research shows that children are struggling with these social and emotional skills. These are the skills that will lead to academic success. And they can be improved simply by playing unstructured free play both indoors and outdoors with peers and with caregivers, green brain connections that will serve children the rest of their lives. So let’s play.

Dr Paul Swan – As adults, we tend to separate play and work and learning, but for children it’s all one in the same. So while they’re playing, we have a great opportunity to talk to them and discuss what they’re doing and that’ll draw out the learning.

Dr Sandra Lee – The best way to think about how young children acquire mathematical ability, that is how they build math concepts in ideas and how those concepts and ideas get complex over time is to play, explore and to learn from concrete, fun and structured materials. In those concrete experiences, young children use their developing motor skills to gather information through sensors, then to organize and categorize the information, to make meaning, and to build math concepts and ideas. Edx Education Toys is designed to help young children acquiring mathematical ability through concrete, fun and structured materials.

Play is learning. Doing is learning. That is the golden rule in early education.

Jacinth Liew – From brain research, we learned that information goes into long term memory when amygdala is in the same state or when our emotions are positive. Hence if you want your children to, then, well, you have to associate learning with pleasure. And the way that you’ve got these positive feelings from our children is to play.

Kwan Chiao Chyi – tickles your child’s senses. It really is a natural part of your child’s development where we create indicators to play that are intentional and yet fun. Our children learn to become confident, creative and effective communicators in our world.

Posted by Heather Welch, International Brand Manager, Edx Education